by shay | Jan 11, 2022 | Mindset
6 Tactics to Make Your Fitness New Year Resolution Finally Stick Chances are you made it through the first week. Motivation is fun and easy to come by in the beginning. I’m ready to make a change! I know I can do better! I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired! ...
by Lily Frei | Oct 29, 2020 | Mindset
How to Hardwire Joy Into Your Training Start to shift your goals to align with enjoying the journey of training instead of only focusing on the desired outcomes. In this article, Scott Carney gives us insight into his new book The Wedge. How to hardwire joy into your...
by Lily Frei | Oct 22, 2020 | Mindset, Recovery
Recover From An Injury With A Champion’s Mindset Returning from an injury isn’t the result of a single heroic effort, but putting in the required work over and over again. In this article, Jim explores ways to turn what could be a setback to lament into a learning...
by Lily Frei | Oct 12, 2020 | Mindset
What is the Key to Human Mental Resilience? Accomplishing any goal in training takes physical and mental resilience. It’s easy to back down from an uncomfortable situation because we aren’t prepared to create a space between when we feel something and when we react to...
by Lily Frei | Aug 14, 2020 | Mindset
Learn How To Be Happy Can you learn how to be happy? Is happiness much like any other habit, in that we have the opportunity to practice and reinforce happiness? We’re not suggesting a quick fix, but TrainHeroic’s co-founder, Josh Sutchar, spends the next...
by Lily Frei | Aug 12, 2020 | Mindset
10 Common Cognitive Distortions Cognitive distortions affect us all on an almost daily basis. instead of hiding from them it is better to identify them and then get to work on correcting them. In this article Jim covers the top 10 common distorted ways of thinking...