

  • Program for yourself. Build your own training sessions using our mobile programming tools and built-in library of over 1,500 exercises.
  • Log your work, track & analyze your progress over time.


  • Program for your clients and for yourself. Use our mobile programming tools or power programming tools available on a desktop or laptop computer.
  • Invite your clients with a click of a button. The TrainHeroic app is free for them to use.
  • Track & analyze your clients’ training data. Run reports and quickly visualize client data with our powerful Coach Home dashboard.
  • Communication tools keep you and your clients connected.

Starting at $9.99 / month


Mobile Programming Tools (Session Builder)

Web-based Power Programming Tools

Program (Build Training Sessions) for Yourself

Program (Build Training Sessions) for Others

Track & analyze your own training data

Track & analyze your clients’ training data

Communication tools (chat with your clients, group feeds)






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